Case Studies
October 4, 2024

How We Transformed 5% YOY Growth Into 121% In Just 5 Months With Data-Driven PPC Strategy

After a 5% YOY growth rate in March 2024, strategic PPC optimizations initiated in April resulted in remarkable sales increases, reaching up to 121.7% YOY growth by June, effectively revitalizing the business's performance.

Executive Summary

BeforeEngagement: In March2024, the business faced a year-over-year (YOY) growth rate of only 5%.

EngagementStart Date: April2024 marked the initiation of our strategic intervention.

InitialImpact (5 Months Post-Engagement): The results following our engagement demonstrated significant growth in sales:

  • April: £14,922 (78.9% YOY increase)
  • May: £18,883 (119.3% YOY increase)
  • June: £27,232 (121.7% YOY increase)
  • July: £21,971.20 (115.5% YOY increase)
  • August: £20,239.70 (120.4% YOY increase)

The initial engagement aimed to address stagnant sales growth and optimize the existing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, which were facing efficiency challenges.

Challenges Before Takeover

The account experienced inconsistent sales performance, with ineffective ad spend management and targeting strategies resulting in a minimal YOY growth rate.

Strategic Interventions

PPCCampaign Optimization:

  • Focused Strategy Development: Implemented a targeted PPC campaign plan to emphasize high-performing areas and eliminate unnecessary expenditures.
  • Phrase Match Campaigns: Introduced new phrase match campaigns based on historical data and tested various bidding strategies to maximize conversions.

ResultsAchieved:Post-intervention, the account displayed remarkable YOY growth, with increases ranging from 78.9% in April to 121.7% in June.

Strategies Employed

1. Product and Campaign Analysis

Conducted a thorough review of each product’s performance to identify growth opportunities and enhance targeting efforts for top-selling products.

2. New Campaigns & Restructuring

  • Detailed Campaign Creation: Developed new campaigns and restructured existing ones for improved data analysis.
  • High Search Volume Keywords: Grouped high-traffic keywords into separate campaigns for better visibility and higher conversion rates.

3. Continuous Data Analysis

Regularly reviewed campaign performance data, enabling timely adjustments to budgets and strategies based on observed trends.

4. Ad Types and Budget Allocation

Focus on High ROI Ad Types:Allocated the majority of the budget to Sponsored Products (SP) campaigns, proven to yield the highest sales boosts.

Optimization Techniques

1. Regular Bid Optimization

Implemented strategic keyword research to identify cost-effective options, focusing onimproving conversion rates and maintaining low cost per click (CPC).

2. Negative Targeting

Systematically identified and removed underperforming keywords, particularly in Auto and phrasematch campaigns, to enhance overall campaign efficiency.




Leveraging Amazon Features

  • Brand Analytics Tools: Utilized insights from tools such as the search query dashboard to inform strategic decisions.
  • Continuous Learning: Kept abreast of the latest Amazon features and updates, ensuring strategies adapted to new functionalities for optimal results.


Summary of Results: Our strategic focus on product performance, targeted advertising, and efficient budget allocation yielded exceptional sales growth. By optimizing existing campaigns, monitoring performance closely, and leveraging Amazon’s capabilities, we achieved significant YOY sales increases, transforming a stagnant account into a thriving revenue generator. The emphasis on data-driven decisions and proactive campaign management was key to our success.

Overall YOY Monthly Sales ComparisonScreenshots



Prem Gupta

Prem Gupta

GB Media | Former Amazonian

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